Reminder Of Open House And Three Feet Of Influence

Hi there –

I’d like to interrupt another week of shitty and heart breaking news to remind you that next week we’re launching our new course called Three Feet of Influence. This is for leaders who are ready and willing to work through your biggest fears and challenges. In four weeks. We’re going to get ‘er done. Together.

We’re going up our game because the world needs us right now.

And it’s really ok for you to do something just for you.

Now is the time to enroll because we only meet four times and then it’s over. The first live coaching session is September 2nd at 10:30 AM Pacific Time. Then the next three Wednesdays, same time, same place (zoom). You’ll get access to the self-paced course materials immediately upon enrolling so you can get started right away.

If this has been calling to you, you know what to do.

Let’s do this!

p.s. Congratulations to Deborah O’Nyons and Rezwan Razani who received the Barbara and Bill Packard Scholarship. And huge thank you to Barbara & Bill for your generosity in enabling them to attend!

Announcing Three Feet Of Influence Scholarship

Barbara and Bill Packard with Full Circle Charities are generously offering two full scholarships  for our Three Feet of Influence course which starts on September 2nd. 

While their preference is for this scholarship to create an opportunity for someone in a volunteer role or someone working for a small non-profit, we encourage everyone who wants to take this course but can’t afford it right now to apply here.

The deadline to apply is Monday August 24th.

We will announce the winners next Friday on August 28th.

To learn more about our new course, Three Feet of Influence, come on over to our Teachable site.

Thank you, Barbara and Bill!

Announcing Open House

I have to tell you about a phone call I had yesterday.

I was speaking with Jane Holl Lute. Jane taught me international relations 30 years ago when I was a cadet at West Point. She was a fireball of a professor known for throwing chalk at students who weren’t paying attention. She went on to serve as #2 at the United Nations, leading peacekeeping efforts there. Jane brings the courage of a warrior to the delicate and complex work of international peacemaking. I admire the heck out of this woman and when I see her name splash across my phone, you better believe I pick up.

In the course of our conversation yesterday, Jane mentioned some of the leaders she was working with on a project. Recognizing all the names, I nodded and said, “yeah…the adults in the room…” to signal that I was paying attention (aka avoiding chalk being thrown at me) and had a sense of who she was talking about.

She stopped our conversation short and said, “let’s talk about this ‘adults in the room’ thing. I’ve heard some people proudly claim that other people have to earn their respect. You know what? No one needs to earn my respect. You get my respect. You have to earn my admiration – that’s another thing entirely.  But

You don’t have to earn my respect, you just get it. 

Touché, Jane Holl Lute. Touché.

Here we are 30 years later and Jane is still my teacher. I instantly got the lesson and decided I’m not going to make snarky comments about “the adults in the room” or “any functioning adult” anymore. I’m with Jane: you don’t have to earn my respect, either. You just get it.

Later in the conversation Jane said, “The main difference between World War I and World War II was generosity. Winners must be generous.”

I wanted to pass these two pearls of wisdom from a lifelong peacemaker along in case it might be useful to you in the weeks and months ahead.

It is so important to have people in your life who will stop you mid-sentence to remind you of your best self and invite you into a more expansive vision of what’s possible. Just like Jane Holl Lute did for me yesterday.

That is exactly what we’re going to be doing with folks in our Coaching Community launching this October.

I want to invite you to a sneak-peak Open House on September 15th at 10:30 PT. 

Joe McCannon and Susan X. Jane and I will give you a taste of what this whole coaching community is gonna be. Or you can get a basic sense here.

I hope to see many of you there.


p.s. if that RSVP link didn’t work for you, try this link here.

Announcing Three Feet Of Influence

Friends – 

We’ve been working behind the scenes for months to bring our life-changing seminars online and I’m delighted to share that we’ve done it!

Today we are launching a new course called “Three Feet of Influence.”

Here’s how it works: you bring anything – anything – that’s holding you back as a social change leader – time scarcity, money worries, people problems, difficult decisions – you name it – anything – and over four weeks we will help you sort that out and get back to making your big dent in the universe.

To celebrate the occasion, we also want to give you this free course:

“How Will You Use Your Three Feet of Influence?”

Think of the free course as an appetizer sampler to get your gears turning about how using your full Three Feet of Influence might support you in advancing your purpose. A friend of mine took the free course last week and said she was completely captivated for the entire 18 minutes. It’s short and sweet and gets right to the point.

We hope you will enjoy this free gift and we hope to see many of you in the full course.

Happy Thursday my friends!

Season 3 Of Our Podcast

Just in time for whatever-it-is-you’re-doing this summer that is something other than Blursday…

 Season Three of the Unleashing Social Change Podcast starts today!

Check out our short teaser episode to hear about who we’ll be speaking with this season.  The guest list is EXTRAORDINARY. And this couldn’t be more timely and relevant to the challenges we’re all navigating right now.

We’re also excited to share that you’ll be hearing more from Selena this season, too!

You can find the Unleashing Social Change podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Please check it out and tell your friends. Good stuff!

With love and affection,

Coming Soon

Hey friends!

First of all thank you to the hundreds of people who responded to our survey. We thought we’d share one highlight from our findings with you because:

(1) data is cool


(2) we want you to know that you are not alone.

The question was, “The hardest thing about leading my team or organization is ______________.”  Here’s what people said:

Now for the 2.44% of you who answered, “my job is easy,” we say rock on!

For the rest of you, we hear you. We see you. If you feel like there’s never enough time or money, and you or your colleagues are on the brink of burnout, and if you are struggling with setting aims and managing to outcomes, and if you feel challenged to bring your best self to issues related to race, diversity, equity and inclusion – the main thing I want you to know is that you are not alone. Same with all the other challenges.

We have always been here to support social change leaders in making their big dent in the Universe. And though it took us a little bit of time to reconfigure ourselves from live events to virtual, we’re actually really excited about what we’ve created to help you work through anything that’s holding you back from having the big impact you want to have.

Please watch this short video to get a sneak peak at what’s coming soon.


We’ll be sharing more in the weeks to come, but if you want to be the first on our list for our new offerings or learn more them, please reach out to

With love and affection,

p.s. If somebody sent you this email, sign-up here to receive weekly inspiration and practical pointers on leading large-scale change.