The Sphere of Social Change:
8 Dimensions of Leaders
Take our self assessment to evaluate
how you’re doing as a large-scale social change agent.
Look at the circle below. The middle of the circle corresponds to 0% and the outside ring of the circle corresponds to 100%. Now, taking one area at a time, evaulate yourself on a scale of ‘0 to ‘100 on the dimensions of social change leadership. For example, you might rate yourself at a ‘40% in Impact, a ‘80% in Autonomy, and a ‘50% in Generative Conflict.
Need some help picturing what the criteria would be? Here are some examples.
Facing (20%): Everything seems important and urgent – because it is!
Grounding (40%): I can identify steps I can take to restore balance and sanity to my life.
Growing (60%): I proactively change agreements that are not working for me.
Transforming (80%): I enjoy a work/life balance that is satisfying to me.
Embodying (100%): My prioritizing spaciousness and creativity inspires others to do the same.
Facing (20%):There is never enough time or money for everything I need and want to do, personally or in my organization.
Grounding (40%):I can name the source of my time and resource scarcity issues, so I can take the next steps forward.
Growing (60%): I have identified my patterns related to withholding communications from relevant parties in a misguided effort to avoid conflict.
Transforming (80%): I deepen my respect for my own creative powers and fine-tune my alignment with my purpose and genius.
Embodying (100%): We have everything we need to make our big dent on the things that matter to us the most.
Facing (20%): I compartmentalize my personal and work selves.
Grounding (40%): I can articulate my why and what drew me to this work.
Transforming (80%): I am crystal clear on my motivations and I invite others into shared purpose with ease.
Embodying (100%): I bring my whole and best self to the work every single day.
Facing (20%): I perceive limitations in my ability to make change in the world.
Grounding (40%): I can identify where I am abnegating responsibility for my choices and behaviors.
Growing (60%): I know what I want, what I am willing to do, and what I am committed to.
Transforming (80%): I am fine tuning my ability to shift from the drama triangle back into my essence and genius, even when I really believe it’s someone else’s fault.
Embodying (100%): I am fulfilling my purpose, aligned with my values, and maximizing my talent.
Facing (20%): I question whether our work may be unintentionally perpetuating the oppressive circumstances that brought the problem we’re trying to solve into existence in the first place.
Grounding (40%): I can identify the areas that we need to address in order to stop perpetuating any harmful practices.
Growing (60%): We are in the midst of dismantling some old practices and behaviors and redesigning new ones.
Transforming (80%): We are embedding the principles of equitable design into our ways of doing our work, from how we co-develop solutions with people most proximate to the problem to how we support our team in being able to do the work without burning out.
Embodying (100%): I am actively dismantling oppression and advancing liberation in every aspect of my work, from the earliest stages of program design through the ongoing refinement of our organizational culture.
Facing (20%): Collectively, our team lacks norms that enable the healthy resolution of conflict.
Grounding (40%): We can identify the Unspeakable Invisibles in our organization and the top 3 we wish to work on first.
Growing (60%): We make a commitment to creating a regenerative and liberatory team culture and begin the work of dismantling our unspeakable invisibles.
Transforming (80%): We are building an “all teach, all learn” culture in the organization and through our extended networks that facilitates learning and embraces what each person brings to the table.
Embodying (100%): Everyone I work with knows how to resolve conflicts in a way that honors the wholeness of each person and moves the organization forward.
Facing (20%): have good ideas and great intentions, but I am not making the impact I want to make yet.
Grounding (40%): I am willing to co-design my solution with our stakeholders so that it becomes one that is worth scaling.
Growing (60%): We have reached consensus on a bold, quantifiable, time-bound aim that advances our solution exponentially.
Transforming (80%): I experience greater amounts of ease, flow, satisfaction, and results in my work. I am actively engaged in unleashing myself and others!
Embodying (100%): By showing up as my most empowered and powerful self, I inspire the people who are following me to step into leadership and healthy responsibility themselves.
Facing (20%): I regularly have a sense that if I want something done right, I have to do it myself, or that nobody really understands the pressure I’m under.
Grounding (40%): I have identified the areas where I most need community.
Growing (60%): I feel satisfaction when I help other change leaders, too.
Transforming (80%): The relationships I have developed in the Coaching Community and with my colleagues at work are mutually transforming and fulfilling.
Embodying (100%): I am fully engaged in an all teach, all learn community of practice with peers who inspire me to bring my whole and best self to the work while reminding me that I am never alone.
Take this time to take another look at the wheel.
Which one area do you most want to focus on improving?
Why is this important right now?
What are 3 pleasurable action points you can commit to get you closer to 100% embodiment?
What is the second area you would like to focus on improving?
Not sure where to go next? Here are some action steps you can take with the BI
- Unspeakable Invisibles Exercise
- Identify Acorns
- Introduction to the Model For Unleashing Training
- Pre-order Becky’s book “Impact With Integrity”
- Create a clear turkey sandwich
- Get a genius evaluation
- Join Coaching Community
- Match with at least one accountability buddy
- Join fellowship
- Complete certification program
- Facilitation
- Coaching of other large-scale change agents
Need Some Help With Those Action Steps?
If you have any questions about our actions steps or need access to the resources mentioned please reach out to